Wednesday, October 2, 2013

September 2013 Gifting List!

Two Tinsels Gifted this month!
Thanks go to our generous donors!

9-1-2013: Ruby Eyes --> Wynterborne --> Gold Tinsel
9-15-2013: simkim --> Wynterborne --> Silver Tinsel

Nine Shimmerscales Gifted this month!
Thanks go to our generous donors!

9-2-2013: natayah --> toxicneon --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-6-2013: Ruby Eyes --> Koro --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-11-2013: Infinis --> Cecona --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-12-2013: Ruby Eyes --> Bellaphira --> Silver Shimmerscale
9-12-2013: Masterdragon992 --> stellalala --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-13-2013: Koro --> Sincerest_Apologies --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-15-2013: simkim --> koro --> Silver Shimmerscale
9-22-2013: Sister of the Dragon --> katcombs --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-26-2013: (Trade) --> Nazgod --> Bronze Shimmerscale

Past News of September 2013


Me again! All's done! Our rubyshoes will be wiping the thread, so don't be surprised when it's done. ;)



It's Labor Day weekend! Alas no new release! But never fear, it'll be next Sunday.

You may notice that some of the images are "broken" - that's because the url shortener that I use is borked for the moment. Fear not, the images will return! For now, please include the color of the list you want on - otherwise, we won't know what list to put you on!

I'm gonna work on the archiving and changing over to the new month's proofs and as usual, do the wiping of the thread.  :)

I hope that you guys have enjoyed this thread as much as I have.  :)
