Thursday, July 4, 2013

June 2013 Gifting List!

Seven Tinsel Gifts given this month!
Thanks go to our generous donors!

6-4-2013: Purpletail162 --> Rusty Chevrolet --> Silver Tinsel
6-2-2013: Completely Different --> PolarVortex --> Gold Tinsel
6-3-2013: RulenneClarissa --> jerzeeshadow --> Gold Tinsel
6-6-2013: Renmiri --> ia_angel --> Gold Tinsel
6-16-2013: Crystal Dragon --> Herada --> Gold Tinsel
6-17-2013: Erithan --> Pa Tone --> Gold Tinsel
6-21-2013: Tamahaganae --> ScreamYourHeartOut --> Gold Tinsel

Seventy-Five Shimmerscale Gifts given this month!
Thanks go to our generous donors!

6-2-2013: Lilairyien --> CapriciousT --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-4-2013: (Trade) --> Nelena --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-4-2013: Purpletail162 --> Rusty Chevrolet --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-4-2013: xxBurningxx (FFA) --> Tehpikachu --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-4-2013: simkim --> Moranna --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-4-2013: vhale --> turbosilver --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-5-2013: Vhale --> gogetassj4dp --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-5-2013: Moeru --> Matmetchi --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-4-2013: Nalyua --> elynne --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-5-2013: Renmiri --> Seraphinu --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-6-2013: (Trade) --> Sinnarn --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-6-2013: Nalyua --> Nimir --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-6-2013: Red2111 --> The_Imago --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-7-2013: CapriciousT --> Itsuka --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-7-2013: CountryPrincess --> old_duck --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-7-2013: Valkiepoo --> VictorianVivian --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-8-2013: Valkie --> Styxamix --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-8-2013: CNR4806 --> Silvaerie --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-9-2013: Moranna --> Sapphireswan --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-9-2013: Nalyua --> Limn --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-11-2013: Arella --> Indil --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-11-2013: Sleepingkitty --> -Aquarius- --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-11-2013: Rusty Chevrolet --> -Aquarius- --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-12-2013: TurboSilver--> Teogony --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-12-2013: Red2111 --> CCPhoenix --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-11-2013: Arella --> CountryPrincess --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-13-2013: Vhale --> AuroraBluewolf --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-13-2013: Vhale --> Mordeth --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-13-2013: Itsuka --> pikapooka --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-14-2013: Herada --> Paradiso --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-14-2013: GCat --> Shato --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-15-2013: Arella --> Spitfyre --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-15-2013: Styxamix --> Wynterborne --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-16-2013: Vertcvith --> Pa Tone --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-16-2013: Naughtrish(Trade) --> Styxamix --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-16-2013: ary_lynn --> CapriciousT --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-17-2013: vertcvith --> Kukuru --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-17-2013: Arlymaye --> Zeriath --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-18-2013: Ponystar 17 --> VertCvith --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-18-2013: st9541524 --> Thistle --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-20-2013: simkim --> Ponystar17 --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-20-2013: simkim --> Lord Darcia --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-20-2013: Rhunya --> Serverus_S --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-20-2013: Merlot --> Lolturtle --> Bronze Shimmercale
6-20-2013: simkim --> Sturmschwinge --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-20-2013: simkim --> Spookyfox99 --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-20-2013: simkim --> alphawolfhuskee --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-20-2013: sfate --> Sakura_Kyoraku --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-21-2013: Rusty Chevrolet --> Puppylikestosti --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-21-2013: Masterdragon992 --> Hallar -->Silver Shimmerscale
6-22-2013: old_duck --> DeeFect --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-21-2013: TheCrystalDragon24 --> dellessa --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-22-2013: Red2111 --> spookyfox99 --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-23-2013: CapriciousT --> RulenneClarissa --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-23-2013: Moiken --> Lord Darcia --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-23-2013: attackfish --> katzie --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-23-2013: Tamahaganae --> Arlessiar --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-24-2013: Moranna --> mloteczek --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-24-2013: Moranna --> Diame --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-25-2013: Hermeline --> lhun --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-25-2013: Mysfytt --> XiaoChibi --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-25-2013: Mysfytt --> Flamingo --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-26-2013: vertcvith --> Completely Different --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-26-2013: Lord Darcia --> Horse2000 --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-27-2013: spookyfox99 --> carmen8386 --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-27-2013: tjenni --> The_Imago --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-27-2013: Iya_kin --> Katari --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-27-2013: Naly --> DeeFect --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-27-2013: Iya_kin --> wynterborne --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-28-2013: RulenneClarissa --> Crystal Dragon --> Silver Shimmerscale
6-28-2013: redapple --> JeanClaude --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-29-2013: Lord Darcia --> Merlot --> Gold Shimmerscale
6-29-2013: Merlot --> Lord Darcia --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-30-2013: CapriciousT --> kde1031 --> Bronze Shimmerscale
6-30-2013: Masterdragon992 --> pikapooka --> Silver Shimmerscale

How do I pm a screenshot to the thread account?

I'm guessing you already know how to take a screenshot and how to upload the image. (Remember that your screenshot must show the egg or hatchie's code.)

Make a PM to the thread account or to simkim's account.

You will see a button that says "IMG" above the reply box that you  are typing in.

Click that button.  It will ask you for the url of your image.  Enter that.  Click ok.

Your picture is now showing in the reply box as


Type out the code of your soon to be fogged egg or hatchie.

This is so that we can confirm that you have that specific egg or hatchie.

Send it to us.

We get a picture of your screenshot and the typed out code that you did.

Very simple, very easy.  :)  I may add in visual guides later on.

Past News of June 2013


Keeping Blue cos, you know - wow, eye popping and easy to see.  Plus blue works for something that's not critical, but at the same time, almost critical.

 Anyhow - June First is here - that means applications get to open again.

But remember to reread the rules cos, new month = new proofs in new sneaky locations.

I've actually also fixed something.
