Two Tinsels Gifted this month!
Thanks go to our generous donors!
9-1-2013: Ruby Eyes --> Wynterborne --> Gold Tinsel
9-15-2013: simkim --> Wynterborne --> Silver Tinsel
Nine Shimmerscales Gifted this month!
Thanks go to our generous donors!
9-2-2013: natayah --> toxicneon --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-6-2013: Ruby Eyes --> Koro --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-11-2013: Infinis --> Cecona --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-12-2013: Ruby Eyes --> Bellaphira --> Silver Shimmerscale
9-12-2013: Masterdragon992 --> stellalala --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-13-2013: Koro --> Sincerest_Apologies --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-15-2013: simkim --> koro --> Silver Shimmerscale
9-22-2013: Sister of the Dragon --> katcombs --> Gold Shimmerscale
9-26-2013: (Trade) --> Nazgod --> Bronze Shimmerscale